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Eva Madelung, Barbara InneckenListe aller Autor:innen

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A Creative Use of Constellations in Individual Therapy, Counselling, Groups and Self-Help

“I read this book with great interest and profit. It is proof that through a creative combination of known elements, it is possible to create something innovative and stimulating that is then receptive to further development.” Gunthard Weber, International Association Systemic Solutions
ISBN 978-3-8497-8114-9 Translated from the German by Colleen Beaumont 203 p., 93 Illus., 2004 eBook (ePub). Aufl. Erscheinungsdatum 19.06.2018
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Dieses Buch ist Teil des Themas Systemaufstellungen


Neuro-imaginative gestalting (NIG) is a systemic method, developed for individual therapy by Eva Madelung, that can be used in counselling, self-help and group work. The novel integration of techniques from art therapy into the systemic process encourages therapeutic creativity and individual self-exploration. In a practical section, Barbara Innecken describes the therapeutic aspects of the method and uses case studies to elaborate her points. This material can be applied immediately by the experienced systemic therapist, but therapists-in-training and those of other theoretical orientations will find step-by-step instructions for practical use in individual therapy. Instructions for self-help complement the presentation. In the theoretical section of the book, points of contact and possibilities for mutual exchange and enrichment from constructivist oriented methods, such as NLP, De Shazer short-term therapy and Heidelberger family therapy, as well as the phenomenological-oriented family constellation therapy of Bert Hellinger, are described. In short, the book combines proven therapeutic practice with extensive theoretical background and contributes to the integration of family constellation therapy within other therapeutic methods.


Barbara Innecken

Barbara Innecken, Heilpraktikerin (Psychotherapie), Sprachtherapeutin, Pädagogin, Lehrtherapeutin für Systemaufstellungen (DGfS); Weiterbildungen in Angewandter Kinesiologie, Psychokinesiologie, Systemaufstellungen, NLP, Neuro-Imaginativem Gestalten (NIG), Traumatherapie (Somatic Experience). Seit 1994 in eigener Praxis für Sprach- und Psychotherapie tätig, leitet Weiterbildungen im Neuro-Imaginativen Gestalten (NIG) sowie in systemischer Pädagogik und in Systemaufstellungen in Gruppen und in der Einzeltherapie. 2010-2014 Erste Vorsitzende der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Systemaufstellungen (DGfS).

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Eva Madelung

Eva Madelung, Dr. phil., Heilpraktikerin, Lehrtherapeutin für Systemaufstellungen (DGfS). Nach Studium der Germanistik und Philosophie Aus- und Weiterbildung in Primärtherapie, Körpertherapie, Hypnotherapie, NLP, Kurztherapie nach de Shazer und Systemaufstellungen. Seit 1975 in freier Praxis tätig, leitete Workshops im In- und Ausland.

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Neuro-imaginative gestalting (NIG) is a systemic method, developed for individual therapy by Eva Madelung, that can be used in counselling, self-help and group work. The novel integration of techniques from art therapy into the systemic process encourages therapeutic creativity and individual self-exploration. In a practical section, Barbara Innecken describes the therapeutic aspects of the method and uses case studies to elaborate her points. This material can be applied immediately by the experienced systemic therapist, but therapists-in-training and those of other theoretical orientations will find step-by-step instructions for practical use in individual therapy. Instructions for self-help complement the presentation. In the theoretical section of the book, points of contact and possibilities for mutual exchange and enrichment from constructivist oriented methods, such as NLP, De Shazer short-term therapy and Heidelberger family therapy, as well as the phenomenological-oriented family constellation therapy of Bert Hellinger, are described. In short, the book combines proven therapeutic practice with extensive theoretical background and contributes to the integration of family constellation therapy within other therapeutic methods.


Barbara Innecken

Barbara Innecken, Heilpraktikerin (Psychotherapie), Sprachtherapeutin, Pädagogin, Lehrtherapeutin für Systemaufstellungen (DGfS); Weiterbildungen in Angewandter Kinesiologie, Psychokinesiologie, Systemaufstellungen, NLP, Neuro-Imaginativem Gestalten (NIG), Traumatherapie (Somatic Experience). Seit 1994 in eigener Praxis für Sprach- und Psychotherapie tätig, leitet Weiterbildungen im Neuro-Imaginativen Gestalten (NIG) sowie in systemischer Pädagogik und in Systemaufstellungen in Gruppen und in der Einzeltherapie. 2010-2014 Erste Vorsitzende der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Systemaufstellungen (DGfS).

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Eva Madelung

Eva Madelung, Dr. phil., Heilpraktikerin, Lehrtherapeutin für Systemaufstellungen (DGfS). Nach Studium der Germanistik und Philosophie Aus- und Weiterbildung in Primärtherapie, Körpertherapie, Hypnotherapie, NLP, Kurztherapie nach de Shazer und Systemaufstellungen. Seit 1975 in freier Praxis tätig, leitete Workshops im In- und Ausland.

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