Jonathan Franzen widerspricht (zum Teil)

Zu meinem Blogbeitrag von 24. September, "Warum Trump nicht abgewählt werden kann", habe ich von jemandem, der es wissen muss/kann, weil er viel näher dran und sicher betroffener ist als ich, Widerspruch erhalten. Ich hoffe, er hat recht.
"I disagree with Simon's analysis only in a few ways. First, although Trump is our first anti-democratic populist president, the Republican Party has been engaged in suppressing and delegitimizing the vote for many years now; Trump is using methods that were already in place. Second, I think Simon may underestimate the Supreme Court's allegiance to the Constitution. I have hopes that the chief justice (John Roberts), one of the conservative judges (Neil Gorsuch), and the three liberal judges will preserve the republic in the event of an emergency."
Jonathan Franzen